how to increase increase by a percentage and round to the nearest 5p

how to increase increase by a percentage and round to the nearest 5p

select pr.*, round((pr.price * 1.2), 2 ) as 'round_price_2', round( (pr.price * 1.2) / 0.05, 0) * 0.05 as 'new_price_2_05' from xcart_pricing as pr where pr.membershipid = 0 use round( (pr.price * 1.2) / 0.05, 0) * 0.05 to round to the nearest 5p update xcart_pricing...

Driving School Price Comparison using wpDataTables

Driving School Price Comparison using wpDataTables

How to create a searchable and sortable data table in wordpress using wpDataTables Lite Plugin. I have chosen this plugin as the lite version can fetch data from a publicly hosted CSV file. As part of this setup I have created a database table with columns company,...

Reading a CSV and calling ChatGPT and outputting to a New CSV file

Reading a CSV and calling ChatGPT and outputting to a New CSV file

In this example I am going to use python to read a CSV with 1 column headed 'country' and then for each country in the file it will write a new CSV file with the information returned from ChatGPT3 to create a country and description CSV file. file1.csv should be kept...

Adding a HTML Sitemap to a Shopify Store

Adding a HTML Sitemap to a Shopify Store

I have found that themes generally use links to prodct pages that are not the canonicalised url to the product on the store page. So this is to allow the breadcrumb to be dynamic and show based on the route they took to the product page.

Using aspect Ratio in CSS

Using aspect Ratio in CSS

Aspect Ratio in CSS refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of an element. It represents the ratio of the element's width to its height. For example, an element with an aspect ratio of 16:9 would have a width that is 16 times larger than...

Installing and using ApacheTop on centos

Installing and using ApacheTop on centos

You can check if epel-release is installed on CentOS by running the following command in the terminal: rpm -qa | grep epel-release This will check if the epel-release package is installed and will display the package name if it is installed. If the package is not...

Create a link to Google Search Console for ranking data

Create a link to Google Search Console for ranking data

In this example I am going to create a link to google search console to get history of keywords used and organic position in the last 3 months for a url in your xcart 4 store from the backend. In order to do this you must have your domain verified and setup in google...

Adding your own custom css file to shopify store

Adding your own custom css file to shopify store

When working with shopify you will want to edit the css file for yours store theme. Editing the css file is not recommended as you will come into issues with theme updates which either remove your updates or change so much that you had not idea what your original...